Make your boss share his parking spot

Parkalot is an app, that offers quick parking spot booking and sharing for your organisation’s parking.

Parking spots are often free

28% of time, during working hours, parking spots are unused [Research from 2015, in 6 companies, +50 employees]
especially on holiday season

68% of people do not give away their spots if on holiday or leave [Research from 2015, in 6 companies, +50 employees]

How it works - example flow

Admin creates 50 parking spots. 6 are assigned to particular users. They have to confirm reservation before 9:00 PM day before.

8:30 PM

Elly, Tom and 1 of the managers confirmed their reservations. It looks like others are either on business trips or working from home. 3 places will go back to shared pool.

9:30 PM

There are 47 places available for all other members. They are booked with a single click in parkalot app

10:15 PM

All parking spots are out. While not everyone managed to get one, it’s good they know it in advance. Now they can plan to go by public transport, or choose any other car alternative.

Try it now

try it for free for 3 months, later $79/ Year
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